Eventim.de sells Stage Tickets!

PRESS RELEASE CTS EVENTIM: Tickets for musical market leader Stage Entertainment now available on www.eventim.de
Munich, Nov.17th 2011 – SDAX-listed CTS EVENTIM AG (ISIN DE 0005470306) is henceforth handling the ticketing for musical market leader Stage Entertainment through Europe’s biggest ticketing portal Eventim.de. The sale of musical tickets on www.eventim.de has already started as part of the cooperation between CTS EVENTIM and Stage Entertainment. Webshops run by Stage Entertainment, i.e. www.stage-entertainment.de and www.musicals.de, have also been migrated to the Eventim.de platform. For the future, Stage Entertainment relies on the market-leading technology of the Eventim shops. Right in time for the Christmas shopping season, Stage entertainment musicals are thus directly available to Eventim.de customers. Stage Entertainment is famous for hit productions like “Disney’s The Lion King”, “Sister Act” or “Hinterm Horiziont”. Now the company takes advantage of the CTS EVENTIM Group’s comprehensive service to reach even more fans.
After nearly one year, the migration of Ticket Online and its most substantial partners to CTS EVENTIM’s technology platform has successfully been completed. In addition to ticket sales through call centres, retail outlets and box offices, the online channel is of extreme importance to Stage Entertainment. Stage Entertainment customers now have access to numerous advanced functionalities on the internet.
The project was planned and implemented by an online-team consisting of Stage Entertainment and EVENTIM specialists. Malte Blumenthal, Vice President New Media at CTS EVENTIM: “Following this year’s migration in Finland (www.lippu.fi), our launch in Israel (www.eventim.co.il) and the Ticket Online relaunch (www.ticketonline.de), this is another major step in the development of CTS EVENTIM’s position in the online market.”